Hello, World

Welcome to our Build-in-Public* page!

At IKiGAi DATA we are building digital, virtual and in-person experiences that help young people make better informed career decisions. So they can go on to achieve healthier and more fulfilling career lives.

* What is Build-in-Public, you ask? This is where we share the behind-the-scenes in our product journey and development - so you can hear it FIRST and have your say about it!

January 2023

We work with "product helpers": they are part-elf, part-fairy magic people. And they help us to test and develop the product in line with the only brief we should have: what the young people themselves need to get into fulfilling and healthy careers.

We started the year with product testing, product testing and more product testing. We tested two things: our new skills-based career recommender and key features of the product.

Here’s what our “product helpers” say:

What do you like about the career recommendations and the NEW feature “A day in the life of”?

  • The recommendations included jobs that they wouldn’t have thought about otherwise

  • 100% felt they had all the information required about each career to favourite and plan pathways (including “A day in the life of”; salary and working hours and qualification requirements)

  • The descriptions of “A day in the life” helped to bring the recommendations to life

  • We also learned that the product is “easy and understandable” and heard that some “like being able to work through the modules on the app at my own pace”.

What would you like to be different about the product?

Some job recommendations felt off…

  • Our graph database appeared to be skewed towards specific industries. This was due to a mistake with our job cluster settings! So we went on to fix this.

  • Some of our product helpers already had a few jobs in mind. After we calculated and they validated the range of “interests” that those jobs had in common, they still did not like the recommendations for more jobs that shared those same interests. They felt confident they would not enjoy them. This might mean that we need to include more filters when computing alternatives or that those new jobs were not well understood. We are doing more building & testing this month to validate which is which

  • Useful filters according to our product helpers are: degree/education experience and salary expectations. But also, Lifestyle: does this role need me to be in an office? Can I work flexible hours? Do I need to dress formal?

We’ve got an ask for you…

We are now testing the NEW interests-based recommendation model! Book your session with Gerald to become a part-elf, part-fairy product helper too. And you might discover a career or two that’s just the break you needed!

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Coming up next…

Whilst we are busy making the changes required following user testing, we now have more questions related to your expectations when interacting with our product. Comment below with your preferences and stay tuned to see what everybody thinks!

  • We collect data about your professional background and more psychographic data to hand-pick recommendations for you. IKiGAi DATA has a strict privacy policy and informs users of what/where their personal data is being used. We are registered with ICO, follow GDPR and are implementing ODI's Data Ethics Canvas/Maturity Model.

Comment below if you have any questions or tips for how we can continue improving our product. And click here to become a product helper too!

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Five top tips for career explorers